3 insPiRational campaigns

Here are the 3 PR campaigns that have ‘wooooooooow’ed me:

3. Pantene Beautiful Lengths by DeVries PR

Want to donate your hair to make wigs for cancer patients? Join this campaign.

2. FedEx Panda Express by Ketchum PR

FedEx shipped pandas from China to zoos in Edinburgh and Paris on the FedEx Panda Express. How simple and how adorable!

1. KRAFT Macaroni Cheese & Cheddar Explosion by Hunter PR 

Okay, this one is awesome! KRAFT is launching a new product – Macaroni Cheese & Cheddar Explosion. Somewhere far away, Irving City Council is planning to demolish its Texas Stadium. KRAFT sponsors the demolition project by donating money to the charity. BUT there’s more! KRAFT holds essay contest among the kids, the winner pushes the button to demolish the stadium! What a smart product launch!!!

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